'I will just say, whichever platform you're playing on-whether it's a base Xbox One, the Xbox One X, or a high-spec PC-you will have a really great experience in the game. But overall, Brown said he feels confident that players will enjoy the game and its visuals no matter what platform they're on. Moving further down the spectrum of Xbox consoles, Brown said he didn't have information readily available regarding the specific graphics and performance statistics for older Xbox hardware. Everything else should look as detailed and as glossy as it does on the Series X,' Brown said. You'll still get ray-tracing in Forzavista. 'Other than that, it should be more or less the same.
The main difference between the Series X and Series S editions of Forza Horizon 5 will be its capability to output in 4K on the higher-end model and 1080p for the Series S. 'Everything is rendered with unparalleled realism,' Brown said. In the Forzavista mode specifically, which allows players to examine their cars up close, Forza Horizon 5 supports ray-tracing for a further visual jump. Now Playing: Forza Horizon 5 Gameplay | Xbox Gamescom Showcase 2021
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